Lindy Turn with Leader Turn Clockwise

In this move, the leader is turning under his own hand as the follower is moving away from him. This involves a full turn on beats 7&8, but since the leader is already turning clockwise on beats 5 and 6, these rotations combine to an overall one-and-a-half full turns over four beats.

This can lead to some awkwardness, with the leader feeling that he has to lean backwards at the halfway point of the turn. This can be avoiding by reducing the gap between leader and follower compared to a regular Lindy Turn.

front view reverse view detail
1. M:BL W:TweFR Start from an open position, with the leader's left hand holding the follower's right hand. The leader takes a step backward on his left foot, momentarily rocking his weight back onto that foot. The follower steps slightly forward on her right foot with a twist step.
2. M:RR W:TwFL The leader replaces his weight on his right foot, rocking back forwards. The leader begins to draw his left hand toward himself to lead the follower to step towards him. The follower steps forward on her left foot with a twist step.
3. M:FL2R W:FR2R The leader steps forward on his left foot; the leader's right hand moves to hold the follower's back. The leader continues the movement of his left hand towards himself by moving it to his left, so that his left hand has moved through a J shape. The follower steps forward on her right foot and lifts her left hand to place it on the leader's right shoulder.
&. M:TR1R W:TL1R The leader closes his right foot to his left foot, continuing to turn slightly to his right. The follower closes her left foot to her right foot, continuing to turn slightly to her right. The leader's and the follower's bodies should face each other straight on with some distance between them, forming a frame. Avoid ending up side by side.
4. M:FL1R W:FR1R The leader steps forward on his left foot, turning another slightly right and then starts to pull his right hand towards himself to lead the follower to step forwards on the next beat. The follower steps forward on her right foot, turning another slightly right. At the end of this beat the dancers are facing in the opposite direction to where they started.
5. M:HR4R W:FL2R The leader takes a step with his right foot back and behind his other foot, continuing to turn another 180° to his right, letting go with his right hand and beginning to lift his left hand. The follower takes a step forward on her left foot, continuing to turn another 90° to her right. (image: leader lifts hand as follower passes)
6. M:TL4R W:HR2R The leader closes his left foot to his right foot, continuing to turn another 180° to his right, turning under his left hand. The follower takes a step with her right foot back and behind her other foot, continuing to turn another 90° to her right. (image: leader's left arm position)
7. M:HR4R W:BL2R The leader takes a step with his right foot back and behind his other foot, continuing to turn another 180° to his right, completing the turn and lowering his left hand. The follower takes a step backward on her left foot, continuing to turn another 90° to her right.
&. M:TL W:TR The leader closes his left foot to his right foot. The follower closes her right foot to her left foot.
8. M:RR W:RL The leader replaces his weight on his right foot. The follower replaces her weight on her left foot.
