American Spin Block

This block move starts in the same way as a normal American Spin, but the leader stops the spin by intercepting the follower's left elbow with his right hand. This reverses the direction of the spin, and alters the timing of the move from a six-beat to an eight-beat move.

front view reverse view detail
1. M:BL W:BR Start from an open position, with the leader's left hand holding the follower's right hand. The leader takes a step backward on his left foot, rocking his weight back on that foot and pushing the follower away slightly with left hand. The follower takes a step backward on her right foot, rocking her weight momentarily onto right foot.
2. M:RR W:RL The leader replaces his weight on his right foot, pulling his right hand towards himself slightly. The follower replaces her weight on her left foot, rocking her weight back onto left foot.
3. M:eFL1R W:eFR1L The leader takes a step slightly forward on his left foot, turning slightly to his right, drawing his left hand across to the right at waist height. The follower takes a step slightly forward on her right foot, turning slightly to her left. (image: direction of lead)
&. M:TR W:TL The leader closes his right foot to his left foot. The follower closes her left foot to her right foot.
4. M:TL W:TR The leader closes his left foot to his right foot, preparing a spin by tensing his left hand. The follower closes her right foot to her left foot. (image: arm position in preparation)
5. M:eFR1L W:XL3R The leader steps slightly forward on his right foot, leading a spin by flicking his left hand to the left at waist height. However, the leader also stops the spin by reaching forward with his right hand to catch the follower's left elbow as it goes past. The follower steps with her left foot across and in front of her other foot. (image: direction of lead)
6. M:TL W:TR3L The leader closes his left foot to his right foot, reversing the follower's spin by pulling her left elbow to the right with his right hand. The follower closes her right foot to her left foot, turning almost 180° to her left. (image: leader's right hand catches elbow and reverses follower's direction)
7. M:RR W:eSL2L The leader replaces his weight on his right foot. The follower takes a step slightly to the side on her left foot, continuing to turn another 90° to her left.
&. M:RL W:XR4L The leader replaces his weight on his left foot. The follower takes a step with her right foot across and in front of her other foot, continuing to turn another 180° to her left.
8. M:RR W:TL2L The leader replaces his weight on his right foot, extending his left hand as the follower completes her spin. The follower closes her left foot to her right foot, continuing to turn another 90° to her left, taking the leader's left hand with her right hand as she completes the spin.
