The footwork for this slight variation of the Back Charleston just involves a turn to the left for one of the
kicks. Because the dancers' positions and footwork is so little changed, the central visual feature of this
move is where the right hands are lifted over the follower's head, to point out to the left hand side (and then
moved back to the dancers' sides).
left side view |
right side view |
behind view |
1. B:PbL Start with the leader standing behind the follower, facing in the same direction, with the leader's left hand holding the follower's left hand and his right hand holding her right hand; both dancers have their weight on their right feet. Both the leader and the follower point backward with their left feet, moving their left hands forward and their right hands backwards.
2. B:StL Both the leader and the follower lift their left feet next to their right feet, with the left knee bent, returning their hands to their sides.
3. B:KfL Both the leader and the follower perform a kick forward with their left feet, the leader begins to lift both right hands up and over the follower's head, which leads the follower to turn slightly left on the next beat.
(image: direction of lead) |
4. B:eFL1L Both the leader and the follower take a step slightly forward on their left feet, turning slightly to their left, with their right hands continuing in an arc over the follower's head.
5. B:KfR Both the leader and the follower perform a kick forward with their right feet, with their right hands completing the arc to point to the dancers' left hand side.
6. B:StR1R Both the leader and the follower lift their right feet next to their left feet, with the right knee bent, turning slightly to their right, reversing the arc of travel of their right hands.
(image: direction of lead) |
7. B:KbR Both the leader and the follower perform a kick backward with their right feet, bring their right hands back down towards their right hand side.
8. B:eBR Both the leader and the follower take a step slightly backward on their right feet.