Hand-to-Hand Charleston Spins

This move involves a fast spin for both partners, and since the Hand-to-Hand Charleston is often a move that's performed with fast music, speed is of the essence. To achieve this, the dancers need to use the tension in their hand grip to push off with. They also use their hands as a buffer to halt their momentum at the end of their spins.

front view reverse view detail
1. B:KfR2L Start from an open position, with the leader's right hand holding the follower's right hand; both dancers have their weight on their left feet. Both the leader and the follower perform a kick forward with their right feet, turning 90° to their left, so that they are facing in opposite directions.
2. B:StR2R Both the leader and the follower lift their right feet next to their left feet, with the right knee bent, turning 90° to their right, facing each other.
3. B:KfR Both the leader and the follower perform a kick forward with their right feet.
4. B:TR Both the leader and the follower close their right feet to their left feet, letting go with both right hands and taking left hand in left hand.
5. B:KfL2R Both the leader and the follower perform a kick forward with their left feet, turning 90° to their right, facing in opposite directions. The leader pushes away firmly with left hand and lets go. (image: direction of lead)
6. B:HL4L Both the leader and the follower take a step with their left feet back and behind their other feet, turning 180° to their left.
7. B:TR4L Both the leader and the follower close their right feet to their left feet, continuing to turn another 180° to their left.
8. B:TL2L Both the leader and the follower close their left feet to their right feet, continuing to turn another 90° to their left.
