Rock Step Variations

The rock step is a key piece of punctuation in Lindy Hop—it is part of all of the core moves that form the basics of Lindy Hop. This punctuation makes a safe harbour for beginning dancers, and a useful re-synchronization point when more advanced moves go awry.

However, given that the rock step is so ubiquitous, it's also a perfect place to introduce alternative footwork to add variety and style to the dance. This page describes a number of these variations, each of which involves an even number of weight changes during the two beat interval 12 (in order to fit in with the rest of the dance).

front view reverse view facing view
1. S:PbL Start with the dancer's weight on their right foot. The dancer points backward with their left foot, while sweeping their right hand and arm down and back and bending forward.
2. S:CoL The dancer brings their left foot next to their right foot without putting weight on it, swinging their right hand back to their right hand side.
1. S:0B The dancer rocks back on both heels and points their toes out to the sides, while sweeping their right hand and arm down and back.
2. S:0B The dancer rolls their weight back down onto the balls of their feet.
Slip Slop
1. S:0B The dancer slides to the left on their right foot, while lifting up their left knee.
&. S:TL The dancer closes their left foot to their right foot.
2. S:0B The dancer slides to the right on their left foot, while lifting up their right knee.
1. S:JuXL The dancer performs a jump with their left foot across and in front of their other foot.
2. S:JuFR The dancer performs a jump forward with their right foot, extending their left leg backwards.
1. S:0B The dancer shimmies on the spot.
2. S:0B The dancer shimmies on the spot.
Slide Split
1. S:SlSB The dancer slides along the floor to the side on both their feet.
2. S:SlTB The dancer closes both their feet to their feet.
