Saw Kicks

The Saw Kicks starts off similarly to the Side Charleston Spike, with the leader bringing the follower around in front of him. From this position, the dancers execute the sequence of kicks. For the leader this sequence is two forwards then one back kick with the right foot, followed by two backward and one forward kick with the left foot. The follower uses the same sequence of kicks, but starting halfway through the sequence.

The move gets its name from the action of the arms while this kicking action is going on—the leader's left hand (and the follower's right hand) are pumped forwards and backwards as if they were operating a saw.

left side view right side view behind view
1. M:BL W:BR2R Start from an closed position, with the leader's left hand holding the follower's right hand. The leader takes a step backward on his left foot. The follower takes a step backward on her right foot, turning 90° to her right.
2. M:RR W:RL The leader replaces his weight on his right foot, opening a gap between the dancers. The follower replaces her weight on her left foot.
3. M:KfL W:KfR The leader performs a kick forward with his left foot. The follower performs a kick forward with her right foot. (image: direction of lead)
4. M:FL W:FR2L The leader takes a step forward on his left foot. The follower takes a step forward on her right foot, turning 90° to her left.
Repeating Section
1. M:KfR W:KbL The leader performs a kick forward with his right foot, pumping his right hand (and the follower's left hand) forwards and backwards in a sawing action throughout. The follower performs a kick backward with her left foot. (image: arm movement)
2. M:StR W:StL The leader lifts his right foot next to his left foot, with the right knee bent. The follower lifts her left foot next to her right foot, with the left knee bent.
3. M:KfR W:KbL The leader performs a kick forward with his right foot. The follower performs a kick backward with her left foot.
4. M:StR W:StL The leader lifts his right foot next to his left foot, with the right knee bent. The follower lifts her left foot next to her right foot, with the left knee bent.
5. M:KbR W:KfL The leader performs a kick backward with his right foot. The follower performs a kick forward with her left foot.
6. M:BR W:FL The leader takes a step backward on his right foot. The follower takes a step forward on her left foot.
1. M:KbL W:KfR The leader performs a kick backward with his left foot. The follower performs a kick forward with her right foot.
2. M:StL W:StR The leader lifts his left foot next to his right foot, with the left knee bent. The follower lifts her right foot next to her left foot, with the right knee bent.
3. M:KbL W:KfR The leader performs a kick backward with his left foot. The follower performs a kick forward with her right foot.
4. M:StL W:StR The leader lifts his left foot next to his right foot, with the left knee bent. The follower lifts her right foot next to her left foot, with the right knee bent.
5. M:KfL W:KbR The leader performs a kick forward with his left foot. The follower performs a kick backward with her right foot.
6. M:FL W:BR The leader takes a step forward on his left foot. The follower takes a step backward on her right foot.
1. M:KfR W:KbL The leader performs a kick forward with his right foot, lifting left hand to indicate the end of the move. The follower performs a kick backward with her left foot.
2. M:eFR W:TL The leader takes a step slightly forward on his right foot, stepping in closer to the follower and using right arm to lower her weight onto her left foot. The follower closes her left foot to her right foot.
