As with the Fall Off the Log, a helpful styling point for this move is that the dancer should lean their body
in the opposite direction to their kicks, in order to emphasize the kick.
left side view
right side view
facing view
1. S:KsR Start with the dancer's weight on their left foot. The dancer performs a kick to the side with their right foot, leaning their body slightly to the left.
&. S:SR The dancer takes a step to the side on their right foot.
2. S:TaHL The dancer taps with their left foot back and behind their other foot.
3. S:KsL The dancer performs a kick to the side with their left foot, leaning their body slightly to the right.
&. S:SL The dancer takes a step to the side on their left foot.
4. S:TaHR The dancer taps with their right foot back and behind their other foot.