Side Kicks Leader Turn

This move follows on from the Facing Side Kicks, and the leader turns 180° clockwise on his first left-foot kick. Both dancers continue to maintain the normal rhythm of the Back Charleston Side Kicks throughout—two kicks on each leg in turn. In particular, the follower does absolutely nothing different from the Facing Side Kicks (except to contain her surprise).

After this sequence has completed, the dancers can move on to perform the Back Charleston Side Kicks, except with their positions reversed—the leader is in front of the follower rather than behind her.

left side view right side view behind view
1. B:KfL Start from an open position, with the leader's left hand holding the follower's right hand, and his right hand holding her left hand; both dancers have their weight on their right feet. Both the leader and the follower perform a kick forward with their left feet.
2. B:StL1R Both the leader and the follower lift their left feet next to their right feet, with the left knee bent, turning slightly to their right. The leader turns the follower using both hands. (image: direction of leads)
3. B:KfL1R Both the leader and the follower perform a kick forward with their left feet, continuing to turn slightly to their right.
4. B:FL Both the leader and the follower take a step forward on their left feet.
5. B:KfR Both the leader and the follower perform a kick forward with their right feet.
6. B:StR2L Both the leader and the follower lift their right feet next to their left feet, with the right knee bent, turning 90° to their left. The leader transfers the follower's right hand from his left hand to his right hand as he turns. (image: hand transfer)
7. B:KfR4L Both the leader and the follower perform a kick forward with their right feet, continuing to turn another 180° to their left. The leader extends his left hand out behind him as he finishes turning, and the follower takes it with her left hand.
8. B:FR Both the leader and the follower take a step forward on their right feet.
