Sliding Doors

The Sliding Doors is a slightly showy move that is reminiscent of the Back Charleston Side Kicks, but with the leader out of phase with the follower. The dancers stay facing in the same direction, but the leader is behind the follower for the main section of the move.

A tip for the leader is to use his left hand to move the follower's left hand from his shoulder in advance of performing the Sliding Doors. This helps indicate to the follower that a different sort of move is imminent, and more importantly this stops the follower's arm from blocking the leader's backwards movement on beat 6 of the entry to the move.

left side view right side view facing view
1. M:BL W:BR Start with the follower standing on the leader's right, side by side, facing in the same direction, with the leader's left hand holding the follower's right hand. The leader takes a step backward on his left foot. The follower takes a step backward on her right foot.
2. M:RR W:RL The leader replaces his weight on his right foot. The follower replaces her weight on her left foot.
3. M:KfL W:KfR The leader performs a kick forward with his left foot. The follower performs a kick forward with her right foot.
4. M:eFL W:eFR The leader takes a step slightly forward on his left foot. The follower takes a step slightly forward on her right foot.
5. M:KfR W:KfL The leader performs a kick forward with his right foot. The follower performs a kick forward with her left foot.
6. M:SlBL W:StL The leader slides along the floor backward on his left foot so that he is behind the follower and to her left. The leader also puts his hands on the follower's hips, so that he can move her left and right through the rest of the move. The follower lifts her left foot next to her right foot, with the left knee bent.
7. M:KsR W:KsL The leader performs a kick to the side with his right foot. The follower performs a kick to the side with her left foot.
8. M:SR W:SL The leader takes a step to the side on his right foot, pulling the follower to the left. The follower takes a step to the side on her left foot, stepping across in front of the leader.
1. M:KxL W:KxR The leader performs a kick with his left foot across and in front of his other foot. The follower performs a kick with her right foot across and in front of her other foot. The leader is behind the follower, on her right hand side.
2. M:StL W:StR The leader lifts his left foot next to his right foot, with the left knee bent, sliding back to the left behind the follower. The follower lifts her right foot next to her left foot, with the right knee bent.
3. M:KsL W:KsR The leader performs a kick to the side with his left foot. The follower performs a kick to the side with her right foot. The leader is behind the follower, on her left hand side.
4. M:SL W:SR The leader takes a step to the side on his left foot. The follower takes a step to the side on her right foot.
5. M:KxR W:KxL The leader performs a kick with his right foot across and in front of his other foot. The follower performs a kick with her left foot across and in front of her other foot.
6. M:StR W:StL The leader lifts his right foot next to his left foot, with the right knee bent, sliding back to the right behind the follower. The follower lifts her left foot next to her right foot, with the left knee bent.
7. M:KsR W:KsL The leader performs a kick to the side with his right foot. The follower performs a kick to the side with her left foot.
8. M:SR W:SL The leader takes a step to the side on his right foot, pulling the follower to the left. The follower takes a step to the side on her left foot, stepping across in front of the leader.
1. M:KxL W:KxR The leader performs a kick with his left foot across and in front of his other foot. The follower performs a kick with her right foot across and in front of her other foot. The leader is behind the follower, on her right hand side.
2. M:StL W:StR The leader lifts his left foot next to his right foot, with the left knee bent, sliding back to the left behind the follower. The follower lifts her right foot next to her left foot, with the right knee bent.
3. M:KfL W:KsR The leader performs a kick forward with his left foot, moving back to the follower's left hand side, level with her. The follower performs a kick to the side with her right foot.
4. M:eFL W:eFR The leader takes a step slightly forward on his left foot. The follower takes a step slightly forward on her right foot.
5. M:KfR W:KfL The leader performs a kick forward with his right foot. The follower performs a kick forward with her left foot, lifting her left arm up over the leader's right arm.
6. M:StR W:StL The leader lifts his right foot next to his left foot, with the right knee bent. The follower lifts her left foot next to her right foot, with the left knee bent, continuing with the St Louis Shag Basic from here on.
