St Louis Shag Alternative Footwork

This section shows two different footwork variations for the St Louis Shag Basic—a sliding move with the feet and lower body on 1 and 2, and an extra stomp on 4 (with a preparation step on 3). These two variations do not need to be performed together—the dancers can choose to include either one of them or both. They also fit closely within the normal rhythm pattern of the dance, which means that the dancers will stay in sync even if only one of them uses a variation.

left side view right side view facing view
1. M:TL W:TR Start with the follower standing on the leader's right, side by side, facing in the same direction. The leader closes his left foot to his right foot, sliding the foot along the floor as he transfers his weight onto it. At the same time the leader's right foot slides backwards as he transfers his weight off it. The follower closes her right foot to her left foot, sliding the feet similarly but mirrored.
2. M:TR W:TL The leader closes his right foot to his left foot. The follower closes her left foot to her right foot.
3. M:FL W:FR The leader takes a step forward on his left foot. The follower takes a step forward on her right foot.
4. M:TbRR W:TbRL The leader stomps in place with his right foot. The follower stomps in place with her left foot.
5. M:KfR W:KfL The leader performs a kick forward with his right foot. The follower performs a kick forward with her left foot.
6. M:StR W:StL The leader lifts his right foot next to his left foot, with the right knee bent. The follower lifts her left foot next to her right foot, with the left knee bent.
7. M:BR W:BL The leader takes a step backward on his right foot. The follower takes a step backward on her left foot.
8. M:TbFL W:TbFR The leader stomps forward with his left foot. The follower stomps forward with her right foot.
