Suzie Q

The sequence given below covers both directions, first moving to the left, then reversing and travelling to the right. The core of the move is the swivelling action of the knees and feet as they cross over each other, then step apart.

left side view right side view facing view
Travelling Left
1. S:XR Start with the dancer's weight on their left foot. The dancer takes a step with their right foot across and in front of their other foot, pointing right toe to the left, crossing right arm across body.
2. S:SL The dancer takes a step to the side on their left foot, rotating the right foot around the heel to end pointing to the right, swinging right hand out to right. Beats 1 and 2 repeat.
7. S:XR The dancer takes a step with their right foot across and in front of their other foot as beat 1.
8. S:KsL The dancer performs a kick to the side with their left foot.
Travelling Right
1. S:XL The dancer takes a step with their left foot across and in front of their other foot as beat 1 above, but mirrored.
2. S:SR The dancer takes a step to the side on their right foot as beat 2 above, but mirrored. Beats 1 and 2 of this section repeat.
7. S:XL The dancer takes a step with their left foot across and in front of their other foot.
8. S:KsR The dancer performs a kick to the side with their right foot.
