Item 6: Embrace the newtype pattern

Item 1 described tuple structs, where the fields of a struct have no names and are instead referred to by number (self.0). This Item focuses on tuple structs that have a single entry of some existing type, thus creating a new type that can hold exactly the same range of values as the enclosed type. This pattern is sufficiently pervasive in Rust that it deserves its own Item and has its own name: the newtype pattern.

The simplest use of the newtype pattern is to indicate additional semantics for a type, over and above its normal behavior. To illustrate this, imagine a project that's going to send a satellite to Mars.1 It's a big project, so different groups have built different parts of the project. One group has handled the code for the rocket engines:

/// Fire the thrusters. Returns generated impulse in pound-force seconds.
pub fn thruster_impulse(direction: Direction) -> f64 {
    // ...
    return 42.0;

while a different group handles the inertial guidance system:

fn main() {
/// Update trajectory model for impulse, provided in Newton seconds.
pub fn update_trajectory(force: f64) {
    // ...

Eventually these different parts need to be joined together:

let thruster_force: f64 = thruster_impulse(direction);
let new_direction = update_trajectory(thruster_force);


Rust includes a type alias feature, which allows the different groups to make their intentions clearer:

/// Units for force.
pub type PoundForceSeconds = f64;

/// Fire the thrusters. Returns generated impulse.
pub fn thruster_impulse(direction: Direction) -> PoundForceSeconds {
    // ...
    return 42.0;
fn main() {
/// Units for force.
pub type NewtonSeconds = f64;

/// Update trajectory model for impulse.
pub fn update_trajectory(force: NewtonSeconds) {
    // ...

However, the type aliases are effectively just documentation; they're a stronger hint than the doc comments of the previous version, but nothing stops a PoundForceSeconds value being used where a NewtonSeconds value is expected:

let thruster_force: PoundForceSeconds = thruster_impulse(direction);
let new_direction = update_trajectory(thruster_force);

Ruh-roh once more.

This is the point where the newtype pattern helps:

/// Units for force.
pub struct PoundForceSeconds(pub f64);

/// Fire the thrusters. Returns generated impulse.
pub fn thruster_impulse(direction: Direction) -> PoundForceSeconds {
    // ...
    return PoundForceSeconds(42.0);
fn main() {
/// Units for force.
pub struct NewtonSeconds(pub f64);

/// Update trajectory model for impulse.
pub fn update_trajectory(force: NewtonSeconds) {
    // ...

As the name implies, a newtype is a new type, and as such the compiler objects when there's a mismatch of types—here attempting to pass a PoundForceSeconds value to something that expects a NewtonSeconds value:

let thruster_force: PoundForceSeconds = thruster_impulse(direction);
let new_direction = update_trajectory(thruster_force);
error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/
76 |     let new_direction = update_trajectory(thruster_force);
   |                         ----------------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected
   |                         |        `NewtonSeconds`, found `PoundForceSeconds`
   |                         |
   |                         arguments to this function are incorrect
note: function defined here
  --> src/
66 | pub fn update_trajectory(force: NewtonSeconds) {
   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --------------------
help: call `Into::into` on this expression to convert `PoundForceSeconds` into
76 |     let new_direction = update_trajectory(thruster_force.into());
   |                                                         +++++++

As described in Item 5, adding an implementation of the standard From trait:

impl From<PoundForceSeconds> for NewtonSeconds {
    fn from(val: PoundForceSeconds) -> NewtonSeconds {
        NewtonSeconds(4.448222 * val.0)

allows the necessary unit—and type—conversion to be performed with .into():

let thruster_force: PoundForceSeconds = thruster_impulse(direction);
let new_direction = update_trajectory(thruster_force.into());

The same pattern of using a newtype to mark additional "unit" semantics for a type can also help to make purely Boolean arguments less ambiguous. Revisiting the example from Item 1, using newtypes makes the meaning of arguments clear:

fn main() {
struct DoubleSided(pub bool);

struct ColorOutput(pub bool);

fn print_page(sides: DoubleSided, color: ColorOutput) {
    // ...
print_page(DoubleSided(true), ColorOutput(false));

If size efficiency or binary compatibility is a concern, then the #[repr(transparent)] attribute ensures that a newtype has the same representation in memory as the inner type.

That's the simple use of newtype, and it's a specific example of Item 1—encoding semantics into the type system, so that the compiler takes care of policing those semantics.

Bypassing the Orphan Rule for Traits

The other common, but more subtle, scenario that requires the newtype pattern revolves around Rust's orphan rule. Roughly speaking, this says that a crate can implement a trait for a type only if one of the following conditions holds:

  • The crate has defined the trait
  • The crate has defined the type

Attempting to implement a foreign trait for a foreign type:

use std::fmt;

impl fmt::Display for rand::rngs::StdRng {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        write!(f, "<StdRng instance>")

leads to a compiler error (which in turn points the way back to newtypes):

error[E0117]: only traits defined in the current crate can be implemented for
              types defined outside of the crate
   --> src/
146 | impl fmt::Display for rand::rngs::StdRng {
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^------------------
    | |                     |
    | |                     `StdRng` is not defined in the current crate
    | impl doesn't use only types from inside the current crate
    = note: define and implement a trait or new type instead

The reason for this restriction is due to the risk of ambiguity: if two different crates in the dependency graph (Item 25) were both to (say) impl std::fmt::Display for rand::rngs::StdRng, then the compiler/linker has no way to choose between them.

This can frequently lead to frustration: for example, if you're trying to serialize data that includes a type from another crate, the orphan rule prevents you from writing impl serde::Serialize for somecrate::SomeType.3

But the newtype pattern means that you're defining a new type, which is part of the current crate, and so the second part of the orphan trait rule applies. Implementing a foreign trait is now possible:

struct MyRng(rand::rngs::StdRng);

impl fmt::Display for MyRng {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        write!(f, "<MyRng instance>")

Newtype Limitations

The newtype pattern solves these two classes of problems—preventing unit conversions and bypassing the orphan rule—but it does come with some awkwardness: every operation that involves the newtype needs to forward to the inner type.

On a trivial level, that means that the code has to use thing.0 throughout, rather than just thing, but that's easy, and the compiler will tell you where it's needed.

The more significant awkwardness is that any trait implementations on the inner type are lost: because the newtype is a new type, the existing inner implementation doesn't apply.

For derivable traits, this just means that the newtype declaration ends up with lots of derives:

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct NewType(InnerType);

However, for more sophisticated traits, some forwarding boilerplate is needed to recover the inner type's implementation, for example:

use std::fmt;
impl fmt::Display for NewType {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {


Specifically, the Mars Climate Orbiter.


See "Mars Climate Orbiter" on Wikipedia for more on the cause of failure.


This is a sufficiently common problem for serde that it includes a mechanism to help.