Item 2: Use the type system to express common behavior

Item 1 discussed how to express data structures in the type system; this Item moves on to discuss the encoding of behavior in Rust's type system.

The mechanisms described in this Item will generally feel familiar, as they all have direct analogs in other languages:

  • Functions: The universal mechanism for associating a chunk of code with a name and a parameter list.
  • Methods: Functions that are associated with an instance of a particular data structure. Methods are common in programming languages created after object-orientation arose as a programming paradigm.
  • Function pointers: Supported by most languages in the C family, including C++ and Go, as a mechanism that allows an extra level of indirection when invoking other code.
  • Closures: Originally most common in the Lisp family of languages but have been retrofitted to many popular programming languages, including C++ (since C++11) and Java (since Java 8).
  • Traits: Describe collections of related functionality that all apply to the same underlying item. Traits have rough equivalents in many other languages, including abstract classes in C++ and interfaces in Go and Java.

Of course, all of these mechanisms have Rust-specific details that this Item will cover.

Of the preceding list, traits have the most significance for this book, as they describe so much of the behavior provided by the Rust compiler and standard library. Chapter 2 focuses on Items that give advice on designing and implementing traits, but their pervasiveness means that they crop up frequently in the other Items in this chapter too.

Functions and Methods

As with every other programming language, Rust uses functions to organize code into named chunks for reuse, with inputs to the code expressed as parameters. As with every other statically typed language, the types of the parameters and the return value are explicitly specified:

fn main() {
/// Return `x` divided by `y`.
fn div(x: f64, y: f64) -> f64 {
    if y == 0.0 {
        // Terminate the function and return a value.
        return f64::NAN;
    // The last expression in the function body is implicitly returned.
    x / y

/// Function called just for its side effects, with no return value.
/// Can also write the return value as `-> ()`.
fn show(x: f64) {
    println!("x = {x}");

If a function is intimately involved with a particular data structure, it is expressed as a method. A method acts on an item of that type, identified by self, and is included within an impl DataStructure block. This encapsulates related data and code together in an object-oriented way that's similar to other languages; however, in Rust, methods can be added to enum types as well as to struct types, in keeping with the pervasive nature of Rust's enum (Item 1):

fn main() {
enum Shape {
    Rectangle { width: f64, height: f64 },
    Circle { radius: f64 },

impl Shape {
    pub fn area(&self) -> f64 {
        match self {
            Shape::Rectangle { width, height } => width * height,
            Shape::Circle { radius } => std::f64::consts::PI * radius * radius,

The name of a method creates a label for the behavior it encodes, and the method signature gives type information for its inputs and outputs. The first input for a method will be some variant of self, indicating what the method might do to the data structure:

  • A &self parameter indicates that the contents of the data structure may be read from but will not be modified.
  • A &mut self parameter indicates that the method might modify the contents of the data structure.
  • A self parameter indicates that the method consumes the data structure.

Function Pointers

The previous section described how to associate a name (and a parameter list) with some code. However, invoking a function always results in the same code being executed; all that changes from invocation to invocation is the data that the function operates on. That covers a lot of possible scenarios, but what if the code needs to vary at runtime?

The simplest behavioral abstraction that allows this is the function pointer: a pointer to (just) some code, with a type that reflects the signature of the function:

fn main() {
fn sum(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
    x + y
// Explicit coercion to `fn` type is required...
let op: fn(i32, i32) -> i32 = sum;

The type is checked at compile time, so by the time the program runs, the value is just the size of a pointer. Function pointers have no other data associated with them, so they can be treated as values in various ways:

// `fn` types implement `Copy`
let op1 = op;
let op2 = op;
// `fn` types implement `Eq`
assert!(op1 == op2);
// `fn` implements `std::fmt::Pointer`, used by the {:p} format specifier.
println!("op = {:p}", op);
// Example output: "op = 0x101e9aeb0"

One technical detail to watch out for: explicit coercion to a fn type is needed, because just using the name of a function doesn't give you something of fn type:

let op1 = sum;
let op2 = sum;
// Both op1 and op2 are of a type that cannot be named in user code,
// and this internal type does not implement `Eq`.
assert!(op1 == op2);
error[E0369]: binary operation `==` cannot be applied to type
              `fn(i32, i32) -> i32 {main::sum}`
   --> src/
102 |     assert!(op1 == op2);
    |             --- ^^ --- fn(i32, i32) -> i32 {main::sum}
    |             |
    |             fn(i32, i32) -> i32 {main::sum}
help: use parentheses to call these
102 |     assert!(op1(/* i32 */, /* i32 */) == op2(/* i32 */, /* i32 */));
    |                ++++++++++++++++++++++       ++++++++++++++++++++++

Instead, the compiler error indicates that the type is something like fn(i32, i32) -> i32 {main::sum}, a type that's entirely internal to the compiler (i.e., could not be written in user code) and that identifies the specific function as well as its signature. To put it another way, the type of sum encodes both the function's signature and its location for optimization reasons; this type can be automatically coerced (Item 5) to a fn type.


The bare function pointers are limiting, because the only inputs available to the invoked function are those that are explicitly passed as parameter values. For example, consider some code that modifies every element of a slice using a function pointer:

fn main() {
// In real code, an `Iterator` method would be more appropriate.
pub fn modify_all(data: &mut [u32], mutator: fn(u32) -> u32) {
    for value in data {
        *value = mutator(*value);

This works for a simple mutation of the slice:

fn add2(v: u32) -> u32 {
    v + 2
let mut data = vec![1, 2, 3];
modify_all(&mut data, add2);
assert_eq!(data, vec![3, 4, 5]);

However, if the modification relies on any additional state, it's not possible to implicitly pass that into the function pointer:

let amount_to_add = 3;
fn add_n(v: u32) -> u32 {
    v + amount_to_add
let mut data = vec![1, 2, 3];
modify_all(&mut data, add_n);
assert_eq!(data, vec![3, 4, 5]);
error[E0434]: can't capture dynamic environment in a fn item
   --> src/
125 |         v + amount_to_add
    |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = help: use the `|| { ... }` closure form instead

The error message points to the right tool for the job: a closure. A closure is a chunk of code that looks like the body of a function definition (a lambda expression), except for the following:

  • It can be built as part of an expression, and so it need not have a name associated with it.
  • The input parameters are given in vertical bars |param1, param2| (their associated types can usually be automatically deduced by the compiler).
  • It can capture parts of the environment around it:
fn main() {
let amount_to_add = 3;
let add_n = |y| {
    // a closure capturing `amount_to_add`
    y + amount_to_add
let z = add_n(5);
assert_eq!(z, 8);

To (roughly) understand how the capture works, imagine that the compiler creates a one-off, internal type that holds all of the parts of the environment that get mentioned in the lambda expression. When the closure is created, an instance of this ephemeral type is created to hold the relevant values, and when the closure is invoked, that instance is used as additional context:

fn main() {
let amount_to_add = 3;
// *Rough* equivalent to a capturing closure.
struct InternalContext<'a> {
    // references to captured variables
    amount_to_add: &'a u32,
impl<'a> InternalContext<'a> {
    fn internal_op(&self, y: u32) -> u32 {
        // body of the lambda expression
        y + *self.amount_to_add
let add_n = InternalContext {
    amount_to_add: &amount_to_add,
let z = add_n.internal_op(5);
assert_eq!(z, 8);

The values that are held in this notional context are often references (Item 8) as here, but they can also be mutable references to things in the environment, or values that are moved out of the environment altogether (by using the move keyword before the input parameters).

Returning to the modify_all example, a closure can't be used where a function pointer is expected:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
   --> src/
199 |         modify_all(&mut data, |y| y + amount_to_add);
    |         ----------            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected fn pointer,
    |         |                                           found closure
    |         |
    |         arguments to this function are incorrect
    = note: expected fn pointer `fn(u32) -> u32`
                  found closure `[closure@src/ 199:34]`
note: closures can only be coerced to `fn` types if they do not capture any
   --> src/
199 |         modify_all(&mut data, |y| y + amount_to_add);
    |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `amount_to_add`
    |                                                     captured here
note: function defined here
   --> src/
60  |     pub fn modify_all(data: &mut [u32], mutator: fn(u32) -> u32) {
    |            ^^^^^^^^^^                   -----------------------

Instead, the code that receives the closure has to accept an instance of one of the Fn* traits:

fn main() {
pub fn modify_all<F>(data: &mut [u32], mut mutator: F)
    F: FnMut(u32) -> u32,
    for value in data {
        *value = mutator(*value);

Rust has three different Fn* traits, which between them express some distinctions around this environment-capturing behavior:

  • FnOnce: Describes a closure that can be called only once. If some part of the environment is moved into the closure's context, and the closure's body subsequently moves it out of the closure's context, then those moves can happen only once—there's no other copy of the source item to move from—and so the closure can be invoked only once.
  • FnMut: Describes a closure that can be called repeatedly and that can make changes to its environment because it mutably borrows from the environment.
  • Fn: Describes a closure that can be called repeatedly and that only borrows values from the environment immutably.

The compiler automatically implements the appropriate subset of these Fn* traits for any lambda expression in the code; it's not possible to manually implement any of these traits (unlike C++'s operator() overload).1

Returning to the preceding rough mental model of closures, which of the traits the compiler auto-implements roughly corresponds to whether the captured environmental context has these elements:

  • FnOnce: Any moved values
  • FnMut: Any mutable references to values (&mut T)
  • Fn: Only normal references to values (&T)

The latter two traits in this list each have a trait bound of the preceding trait, which makes sense when you consider the things that use the closures:

  • If something expects to call a closure only once (indicated by receiving a FnOnce), it's OK to pass it a closure that's capable of being repeatedly called (FnMut).
  • If something expects to repeatedly call a closure that might mutate its environment (indicated by receiving a FnMut), it's OK to pass it a closure that doesn't need to mutate its environment (Fn).

The bare function pointer type fn also notionally belongs at the end of this list; any (not-unsafe) fn type automatically implements all of the Fn* traits, because it borrows nothing from the environment.

As a result, when writing code that accepts closures, use the most general Fn* trait that works, to allow the greatest flexibility for callers—for example, accept FnOnce for closures that are used only once. The same reasoning also leads to advice to prefer Fn* trait bounds over bare function pointers (fn).


The Fn* traits are more flexible than bare function pointers, but they can still describe only the behavior of a single function, and even then only in terms of the function's signature.

However, they are themselves examples of another mechanism for describing behavior in Rust's type system, the trait. A trait defines a set of related functions that some underlying item makes publicly available; moreover, the functions are typically (but don't have to be) methods, taking some variant of self as their first argument.

Each function in a trait also has a name, providing a label that allows the compiler to disambiguate functions with the same signature, and more importantly, that allows programmers to deduce the intent of the function.

A Rust trait is roughly analogous to an "interface" in Go and Java, or to an "abstract class" (all virtual methods, no data members) in C++. Implementations of the trait must provide all the functions (but note that the trait definition can include a default implementation; Item 13) and can also have associated data that those implementations make use of. This means that code and data gets encapsulated together in a common abstraction, in a somewhat object-oriented (OO) manner.

Code that accepts a struct and calls functions on it is constrained to only ever work with that specific type. If there are multiple types that implement common behavior, then it is more flexible to define a trait that encapsulates that common behavior, and have the code make use of the trait's functions rather than functions involving a specific struct.

This leads to the same kind of advice that turns up for other OO-influenced languages:2 prefer accepting trait types over concrete types if future flexibility is anticipated.

Sometimes, there is some behavior that you want to distinguish in the type system, but it cannot be expressed as some specific function signature in a trait definition. For example, consider a Sort trait for sorting collections; an implementation might be stable (elements that compare the same will appear in the same order before and after the sort), but there's no way to express this in the sort method arguments.

In this case, it's still worth using the type system to track this requirement, using a marker trait:

fn main() {
pub trait Sort {
    /// Rearrange contents into sorted order.
    fn sort(&mut self);

/// Marker trait to indicate that a [`Sort`] sorts stably.
pub trait StableSort: Sort {}

A marker trait has no functions, but an implementation still has to declare that it is implementing the trait—which acts as a promise from the implementer: "I solemnly swear that my implementation sorts stably". Code that relies on a stable sort can then specify the StableSort trait bound, relying on the honor system to preserve its invariants. Use marker traits to distinguish behaviors that cannot be expressed in the trait function signatures.

Once behavior has been encapsulated into Rust's type system as a trait, it can be used in two ways:

  • As a trait bound, which constrains what types are acceptable for a generic data type or function at compile time
  • As a trait object, which constrains what types can be stored or passed to a function at runtime

The following sections describe these two possibilities, and Item 12 gives more detail about the trade-offs between them.

Trait bounds

A trait bound indicates that generic code that is parameterized by some type T can be used only when that type T implements some specific trait. The presence of the trait bound means that the implementation of the generic can use the functions from that trait, secure in the knowledge that the compiler will ensure that any T that compiles does indeed have those functions. This check happens at compile time, when the generic is monomorphized—converted from the generic code that deals with an arbitrary type T into specific code that deals with one particular SomeType (what C++ would call template instantiation).

This restriction on the target type T is explicit, encoded in the trait bounds: the trait can be implemented only by types that satisfy the trait bounds. This contrasts with the equivalent situation in C++, where the constraints on the type T used in a template<typename T> are implicit:3 C++ template code still compiles only if all of the referenced functions are available at compile time, but the checks are purely based on function name and signature. (This "duck typing" can lead to confusion; a C++ template that uses t.pop() might compile for a T type parameter of either Stack or Balloon—which is unlikely to be desired behavior.)

The need for explicit trait bounds also means that a large fraction of generics use trait bounds. To see why this is, turn the observation around and consider what can be done with a struct Thing<T> where there are no trait bounds on T. Without a trait bound, the Thing can perform only operations that apply to any type T—basically just moving or dropping the value. This in turn allows for generic containers, collections, and smart pointers, but not much else. Anything that uses the type T is going to need a trait bound:

pub fn dump_sorted<T>(mut collection: T)
    T: Sort + IntoIterator,
    T::Item: std::fmt::Debug,
    // Next line requires `T: Sort` trait bound.
    // Next line requires `T: IntoIterator` trait bound.
    for item in collection {
        // Next line requires `T::Item : Debug` trait bound
        println!("{:?}", item);

So the advice here is to use trait bounds to express requirements on the types used in generics, but it's easy advice to follow—the compiler will force you to comply with it regardless.

Trait objects

A trait object is the other way to make use of the encapsulation defined by a trait, but here, different possible implementations of the trait are chosen at runtime rather than compile time. This dynamic dispatch is analogous to using virtual functions in C++, and under the covers, Rust has "vtable" objects that are roughly analogous to those in C++.

This dynamic aspect of trait objects also means that they always have to be handled indirectly, via a reference (e.g., &dyn Trait) or a pointer (e.g., Box<dyn Trait>) of some kind. The reason is that the size of the object implementing the trait isn't known at compile time—it could be a giant struct or a tiny enum—so there's no way to allocate the right amount of space for a bare trait object.

Not knowing the size of the concrete object also means that traits used as trait objects cannot have functions that return the Self type or arguments (other than the receiver—the object on which the method is being invoked) that use Self. The reason is that the compiled-in-advance code that uses the trait object would have no idea how big that Self might be.

A trait that has a generic function fn some_fn<T>(t:T) allows for the possibility of an infinite number of implemented functions, for all of the different types T that might exist. This is fine for a trait used as a trait bound, because the infinite set of possibly invoked generic functions becomes a finite set of actually invoked generic functions at compile time. The same is not true for a trait object: the code available at compile time has to cope with all possible Ts that might arrive at runtime.

These two restrictions—no use of Self and no generic functions—are combined in the concept of object safety. Only object-safe traits can be used as trait objects.


At least not in stable Rust at the time of writing. The unboxed_closures and fn_traits experimental features may change this in the future.


For example, Joshua Bloch's Effective Java (3rd edition, Addison-Wesley) includes Item 64: Refer to objects by their interfaces.


The addition of concepts in C++20 allows explicit specification of constraints on template types, but the checks are still performed only when the template is instantiated, not when it is declared.