Boogie Forward

The Boogie Forward is basically a slow step forwards, so the styling of the move is important to distinguish it from a plain step. The foot sweeps forward during the step in a semicircle; to emphasize this, the dancer may tap the floor a few times as the foot travels.

Foot path
Foot path

left side view right side view facing view
8. S:PxR Start with the dancer's weight on their left foot. The dancer points with their right foot across and in front of their other foot.
1. S:FR The dancer takes a step forward on their right foot, sweeping the foot in a semicircle and pushing right hip to the right side as the step is taken.
2. S:PxL The dancer points with their left foot across and in front of their other foot.
3. S:FL The dancer takes a step forward on their left foot, sweeping the foot in a semicircle and pushing left hip to the left side as step is taken.
