Shorty George

The Shorty George movement is named for 'Shorty' George Snowden, one of the original Lindy Hoppers at the Savoy ballroom in Harlem, New York. The base of the move is a sequence of short steps forward; the styling of the knees and the upper body is what gives the distinctive style of the move.

left side view right side view facing view
8. S:KsR Start with the dancer's weight on their left foot. The dancer performs a kick to the side with their right foot, clicking fingers of right hand , straighten right arm down by right side.
1. S:eFR The dancer takes a step slightly forward on their right foot, slightly bending both knees and moving them to the left, lowering left shoulder so that left hand points down, raising right shoulder.
2. S:eFL The dancer takes a step slightly forward on their left foot, slightly bending both knees and moving them to the right, lowering right shoulder so that right hand points down, raising left shoulder.
3. S:eFR The dancer takes a step slightly forward on their right foot, as for beat 1.
