The Shorty George movement is named for 'Shorty' George Snowden, one of the original Lindy Hoppers at the
Savoy ballroom in Harlem, New York. The base of the move is a sequence of short steps forward; the styling of
the knees and the upper body is what gives the distinctive style of the move.
left side view |
right side view |
facing view |
8. S:KsR Start with the dancer's weight on their left foot. The dancer performs a kick to the side with their right foot, clicking fingers of right hand , straighten right arm down by right side.
1. S:eFR The dancer takes a step slightly forward on their right foot, slightly bending both knees and moving them to the left, lowering left shoulder so that left hand points down, raising right shoulder.
2. S:eFL The dancer takes a step slightly forward on their left foot, slightly bending both knees and moving them to the right, lowering right shoulder so that right hand points down, raising left shoulder.
3. S:eFR The dancer takes a step slightly forward on their right foot, as for beat 1.