Squat Charleston Break

This break is performed with the dancers facing each other as for open position, but without any contact between them. The break is indicated verbally in advance, and then the leader transitions into the break using any move that ends in an open position. The break itself is performed with the dancers using the same feet (unison), rather than opposite (mirrored) footwork.

The break occupies four eight-beat phrases; the first two of these are the actual Squat Charleston move. These are followed by eight beats where the dancers perform a Kick Around, then eight beats of twist steps back towards each other in order to resume dancing as a couple.

front view reverse view facing view
Squat Charleston
1. B:JueSL Start from an open position; both dancers have their weight evenly distributed between their feet. Both the leader and the follower perform a jump slightly to the side with their left feet, lifting their right feet up and behind their left knee.
2. B:KsR Both the leader and the follower perform a kick to the side with their right feet.
3. B:JueSR Both the leader and the follower perform a jump slightly to the side with their right feet, lifting their left feet up and behind their right knee.
4. B:KsL Both the leader and the follower perform a kick to the side with their left feet.
5. B:JueSL Both the leader and the follower perform a jump slightly to the side with their left feet, lifting their right feet up and being their left knee.
6. B:KsR Both the leader and the follower perform a kick to the side with their right feet.
7. B:JuXR Both the leader and the follower perform a jump with their right feet across and in front of their other feet (on first time through).
8. B:JuSB Both the leader and the follower perform a jump to the side with both their feet, then repeat from step 1.
7. B:JuSB Both the leader and the follower perform a jump to the side with both their feet (on second time through).
8. B:0B Both the leader and the follower freeze.
Kick Around
1. B:KfL1R Both the leader and the follower perform a kick forward with their left feet, turning slightly to their right.
2. B:FL1R Both the leader and the follower take a step forward on their left feet, continuing to turn slightly to their right.
3. B:KfR1R Both the leader and the follower perform a kick forward with their right feet, continuing to turn slightly to their right.
4. B:FR1R Both the leader and the follower take a step forward on their right feet, continuing to turn slightly to their right.
5. B:KfL1R Both the leader and the follower perform a kick forward with their left feet, continuing to turn slightly to their right.
6. B:FL1R Both the leader and the follower take a step forward on their left feet, continuing to turn slightly to their right.
7. B:KfR1R Both the leader and the follower perform a kick forward with their right feet, continuing to turn slightly to their right.
&. B:RR Both the leader and the follower replace their weight on their right feet.
8. B:RL Both the leader and the follower replace their weight on their left feet, pointing the foot to the left hand side.
Twist Steps
1. B:TweFR Both the leader and the follower step slightly forward on their right feet with a twist step.
2. B:TweFL Both the leader and the follower step slightly forward on their left feet with a twist step. The leader lifts up left hand and the follower puts her right hand on the leader's chest.
3. B:TweFR Both the leader and the follower step slightly forward on their right feet with a twist step.
4. B:TweFL Both the leader and the follower step slightly forward on their left feet with a twist step.
5. B:TweFR Both the leader and the follower step slightly forward on their right feet with a twist step.
6. B:TweFL Both the leader and the follower step slightly forward on their left feet with a twist step.
7. B:TweFR Both the leader and the follower step slightly forward on their right feet with a twist step.
8. B:TweFL Both the leader and the follower step slightly forward on their left feet with a twist step.
