As the name indicates, this move should look as smooth as possible, like the dancer is skating across the
floor. This means that the hops should be as small as possible, and should emphasize travelling horizontally
rather than vertically.
For slower music, this move can also be done with a pivoting step instead to increase the smoothness. In
this variant, the dancer travels across the floor on one foot by alternating their weight between the heel
and the toe of the foot, allowing the foot to swivel in one direction then the other.
left side view |
right side view |
facing view |
1. S:DfL Start with the dancer's weight on their right foot. The dancer takes a step diagonally forward on their left foot, leaving their right foot in the same place so the right leg straightens.
2. S:HodfL The dancer hops diagonally forward on their left foot, with their right leg extended straight out to the side.
3. S:HodfL The dancer hops diagonally forward on their left foot.
4. S:HodfL The dancer hops diagonally forward on their left foot, bringing right leg close to the left leg, with right knee bent.
5. S:DfR The dancer takes a step diagonally forward on their right foot, leaving left foot in place.
6. S:HodfR The dancer hops diagonally forward on their right foot, with their left leg extended straight out to the side.
7. S:HodfR The dancer hops diagonally forward on their right foot.
8. S:HodfR The dancer hops diagonally forward on their right foot, bringing left leg close to the right leg, with left knee bent.